
Miguel Ángel @mianfg

Machine Learning Engineer

Proyecto Bridge

Joining students from different areas of expertise

Read thesis (in Spanish) PDF

Sep 2021 - Jun 2022
On hold
education, critical thinking, multidisciplinarity, university

Proyecto Bridge is a project created as the collective dissertation thesis of Escuela de Liderazgo Universitario (Universidad Francisco de Vitoria, Madrid). Its main goal is to expand the knowledge borders of university students by organizing events between university students of different areas of knowledge.

Homepage of the project

This project attends the necessity to to complement current university education through a space that favors interdisciplinary cooperation and the integral formation of university students with a critical spirit, prepared to provide collaborative solutions to the challenges of today's society. It is based on four main principles:

  • Integral formation of the university student.
  • Encouraging dialogue and active participation.
  • Methodologies that foster creativity and critical thinking.
  • Multidisciplinary networking.

This is done via bridges, meetings between university students from different degrees in which topics of common interest are dealt with from a transdisciplinary perspective, and through methodologies that favor reasoning and argumentation.

The first bridge

As part of the project, we had to make a pilot bridge to test if our solution was appropriate. The encounter talked about liberating patents for COVID-19 vaccines, and was destined to university student from both health sciences and right and economy.

Photo of a bridge

The encounter took place in Universidad Miguel de Hernández, in Alicante, Spain, and it received a warm acclaim both from the students and lecturers. We look forward to organizing these encounters in the future.