
Miguel Ángel @mianfg

Machine Learning Engineer

Python Workshop by ETC & Cisco IT

Workshop to teach beginner Python concepts to Cisco employees

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Mar 2023 - May 2023
Creator and instructor
Python, teaching, Cisco

I took part in the creation of the first Python Workshop for Cisco employees, targeted towards beginners ─ with or without previous programming experience.

The workshop consisted on three fundamental pillars:

  • Sessions. Each week there was an instructor-delivered session, in which students were able to learn more about different introductory Python topics. The slides and recordings were made available after each session. In the sessions, there were demos, fun facts, and time to ask questions!
  • Exercises. In each session, students were be provided a notebook where they could get some hands-on practice into the language.
  • Assignments. Additionally, the exercises had some scorable assignments at the end of them.

With the content being divided into seven sessions:

  1. Introduction to Python. Programming basics, what is Python, let's dive in!
  2. Data Types. What is a variable, built-in data types, operators, input data
  3. Conditionals. Booleans, conditional operators, conditional statements (if, else)
  4. Flow Control. Introduction to loops, range() function, while loop, for loop
  5. Lists. Recap, lists, strings are lists!
  6. Collections. Tuples, dictionaries, sets, math library
  7. Functions and Exceptions. Functions, type casting, exceptions

You have more information in this LinkedIn post.